TREETAC on wheels, mobile training services
What is a training environment?
The TreeTac training environment operates as a mobile training system, and enhances the realism of combat medical training in both outdoor and indoor environments. The training environment allows the training organization to operate in a controlled academic environment, while allowing the individual trainee to experience a wide range of scenarios—from simple levels of training to a complex force-on-force medical simulation training environment

Training scenario support
Our TREETAC on wheels mobile unit will meet you wherever you need to provide full mission profile tactical training environments for your training
What we do
TreeTac specializes in creating realistic medical training environments including manikins, threat and environment condition simulation, casualty monitoring and feedback system
What we offer
From a basic medical scenario to an extensive multi-day Full Mission Profile. TreeTac can provide different levels of simulations to enhance your training scenarios, from a simple medical scenario to full blown Mass Casualty scenario with CASEVAC:
Urban terrorism
Active shooter events
Military patrol, open area battle & IED attack
Natural disaster scenarios
TC3 trauma lanes, K9
Mass casualty
and more…
How we do it
We focus on providing actual field treatment stress in a controlled environment, offering training solutions that are effective both in cost and in educational value:
We build the environment; you train in it
Your training, your methods, our scenario support
We provide our service at your training location
We arrive before your training starts, create your training environment, providing a wide range of tactical scenarios with use of advance simulation systems
What you get
Focus on you training and we’ll take care of the rest:
A complete tactical simulation environment at your training location
With over 70 scenarios per training
With up to 250,000 possible wound combinations
With rapid transition of patient vitals and treatment feedback
With checklists that ensure procedural and skill-based verification
Taking care of the operation end to end!

Industry leading TOMManikin
Simulated ballistics
Simulated improvised explosive devices
Environmental factors, such as light, noise, wind (fans), water, smoke (foggers)
Blood & moulage
and more…

Explore more features
Simulation Packed
Introducing dynamic, expandable, full-mission profile simulation training equipment, taking force-on-force and scenario-based training to new levels of realism
Where to today?
Don’t look far, we provide interactive VR and 360° immersive media at your location. You select your scenario and start training
Integral Solution
We manage the complete lifecycle of the facility throughout its total life

Manage your training
View every detail of your training with LiveTree video-driven feedback platform

Creating training environments
You’ve got a training mission;let us help provide the vision

Medical training programs
We will build your team to master field medicine and first response skills through classes, simulation and training

Shop for professional equipment
Tactical & Rescue Emergency Equipment, from leading manufacturers